Celebrity Death Match Round 7 Continued
Sidney: Squished the noodle is by now.
Believer: I used the Participle to send them. Now I'll teleport everyone here!
~All of a sudden everyone shows up! The ring is crowded, music is blasting, and Pigeon is gulping down Jell-o shooters with noodles and Barq's in them. The par-tay has begun, when the unexpected occurs...Jahar9 briefly reappears on the internet at Pigeon's house in the lovely plothole world, then suddenly, in the CDM arena, Mr. Gobbler and Jahar9's real grandpa show up::
Jahar9: GRANDPA!!!!!!!!
Pigeon: MR. GOBBeleR!
Sidney: Jahar, your real grandpa is that?
Jahar9: Yupyupyupyupyupyupyupyupyup!
::Jahar9 begins to dance to the music::
Believer: Ack! She cannot dance!
Pigeon: Yep.
::"All Star" by Smash Mouth comes on::
Jahar9 and Sidney: YAE!!!!!
::Jahar and Sidney sing along, but Sidney translates the song into Yoda-speak first::
Believer: ::shouting to be heard over all the noise:: HEY! EVERYONE! CAN I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!?
Everyone: WHAT?!
Jahar9: Hey! You're messing up the song!!!
Sidney: Up would you turn it please?
::the DJ turns up the music, and suddenly all the speakers blow up and the weirdo arena is left without power::
Pigeon: Awww. I kinda liked that song.
Believer: Oh no! My par-tay is crashed.
Jahar9: I'll go reset the circut breaker.
::Jahar heads down into the musty WCDM arena basement. She comes to the box with the fuses, picks one up, and walks over the the circuit box, where she is bashed over the head with a box of Morley's and knocked unconsious::
Sidney: Taking Jahar so long is what?
Believer: I dunno, maybe Pigeon should go check.
::Pigeon gets up from the refreshment table, where she's spent the whole night, and goes into the basement, where she briefly sees an old man smoking a cigarette before she too is knocked unconcious by a box of Morleys::
An Undead Well-Manicured Man: How many more do we take out before we send the message?
CGB Spender: As many as they send down here. This should teach them to not invite the syndicate to their par-tay......
::back upstairs::
Sidney: Ate them the furace did, perhaps?
Believer: I don't think so Sidney. Maybe we should go check on them, you know how they tend to be accident prone. ::thinks back to Jahar slipping on sunflower seeds, and Pigeon flying through the walls of the arena after she was out-sneezed::
Sidney: ::also thinking of CDM's past:: Go we must.
::Sidney and Believer run for the basement, leaving the par-tay unattended::
*Well, anyway, as Believer and Sidney reach the bottom steps of the basement, CSM lights up again, and Believer instantly recognizes the Morleys scent from all of that magazine add sniffing she does. She pulls Sidney into a corner...*
Believer: Sidney! That's CGM, they've taken Jahar and Pigeon hostage! Or captive! Or something! Or worse!
Sidney: Weird that is, mmmmmmmmm, yees. But do this why would they?
Believer: Keep your voice down! Maybe because we didn't invite the syndicate?
Sidney: The who?
Believer: *rolls her eyes* Never mind.
Sidney: *folds her arms* So X-Files inclined I am not! So sorry I am to disappoint you!
Believer: Shhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Sidney: Too paranoid all of you are. Let your paranoia get into me I must not! *walks over to CSM, or CGM, or CGB, or whoever, and hits him and his little friend over the head with the Participle, then uses it to wake up Pigeon and Jahar* On you should come. Knows does who what is happening back up in the WCDM arena.
Jahar9: *rubs her head* Uh-oh...
*They leave the two unconscious men on the ground and rush back upstairs only to find...Pinkie, the new Weirdo, hiding under one of the tables::
Believer: What are you doing under there?
Pinkie: They're AFTER ME!
Jahar9: Who?
::Krycek, Spender, and Skinner walk up to the weirdos::
Pinkie: ACK! ::screams::
Skinner: ::points at Jahar:: You are under arrest for not following logic.
Jahar9: AHHHHHHHh! ::screams at the mention of the "L-word" and dives into a cubicle, which collapses into a nice little box, and Skinner puts it into a wagon::
Sidney: Jahar!
Krycek: And you.. ::points to Sidney:: are under arrest for not letting me use the Participle!
::Sidney tries to bash Krycek with the MDP, but by some unknown reason, misses him. Krycek packs Sidney and the Participle into another box, and sticks her into the wagon::
Pinkie: Uh-Oh.
Spender: Pigeon, ::peeks into Pigeon's plot hole:: you are under arrest for making absolutely no sense at all 99% of the time.
Pigeon: ::whining:: But that's my jo-ob!
::Spender presses the "Collapse" button on Pigeon's plot hole, and it turns into a box, which is then placed in the wagon::
Skinner: And you, Believer, you're coming, too. You are under arrest for sneezing in an overly forceful manner.
Believer: What do you mean too obsessed!? You can't be too obsessed with anything!
::Skinner shakes his head in confuzzelment and shoves Believer into another box anyway, and puts her into the wagon::
Spender: And Pinkie, you are under arrest because of guilt by association.
::Spender puts Pinkie into a box, places it into the wagon, and notices that there's room for one more, but not another weirdo to be found.::
Skinner: Wasn't there another one?
Krycek: I thought so too, but there's no one else here that fits the "Weirdo" description. Oh well.
::Skinner, Spender, and Krycek leave the arena, as PK peeks out from behind the DJ's table::
PK: Hey! Stop the Par-tay!
Crowd: Awww.
::music stops::
PK: They stole the Weirdos! We've got to save them!
Dean Cain: I never really liked those goofs, but I want my money for super-hero lessons from Jahar. We've got to help them!
BNL: Yeah!
The Cast of Ani-Tv and the real Animorphs: Come on, let's go!
::PK leads the par-tay-ers to the local insane asylum, where they begin their search for PK's fellow Weirdos::
**PK not noticing that she's in the story picks her nose in secret.. or so she thought**
Dean Cain: Yuck! thats disgusting! Who knows what could be up there!
PK: uh.. um you're right... **pulls her finger out of her nose and out pops Dr. Evil**
**Yoda promply hits Dr. Evil over the head with a goat upon his arrival**
**Dean Cain mumbles somthing about her starting it as all of them hop out of the garbage can they were hiding in**
Brooke/Rachel: Lets go kick some butter off a tall building!
PK: uh.. don't you mean "lets go kick some butt"?
Brooke/Rachel: No.
PK: ** raises an eyebrow and tip-toes around the edge of the insane asylum looking for a way in**
PK: This is impossible, I'm on my own with a bunch of fre-
**everyone glares at her**
PK: -um nice people, trying to save my fellow weirdos that are locked inside an insane asylum thats guarded by rabie infested elephants.
**from deep inside PK's skull comes a voice..**
Yoda: Help us can Jerry?
PK: I certainly hope so... I mean, he has his own talk show.
**Jerry Springer transforms into Super Jerry Springer and flys out of PK's ear**
SJS: **knocks Mulder out and shoves him into the nearest trash can**
PK: Thanks Jerry!
SJS: You are welcome!
Dr.Evil: Jerry cannot help us, he is not Eeevil enough. NUMBER TWO!! Arm the "Lazer"
SJS: No need for lazers! I can smash through the wall with-
Dr.Evil: **shush's SJS** Zip it
SJS: But-
Dr.Evil:**waves his hand** Zippity do da
**While Dr.Evil and SJS fight about how to bust into the asylum The Weirdos are being tortured by richard Simons**
Believer: Please Stop!! **starts chanting "cheese is like butter only diffrent" for protection**
Richard Simons: Now! lets do some jumping jacks! 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2.
**Richard Simons continues making everyone exercise for who knows how long until...**
Scully pulls Mulder out of the refuse container, and opens the door. Everyone but Dr. Evil and SJS follow to the reception desk::
Scully: We're Mulder and Scully, FBI. We're here looking for 5 girls who may have been checked in this morning.
::suddenly, as the secretary is checking the files, everyone can hear a video of Richard Simmons' "Sweatin with the Oldies" turned up overly loud, and voices screaming "Cheese is like butter only different" and "999999999!!!!!!!!!"::
PK: Nevermind! That's them!
::everyone runs to ward C, room 42, and tries to open the door::
Dean Cain: It's locked.
Brooke/Rachel: No duh, Superman.
Mulder: Stand back! I'll shoot the lock off!
Shawn/Jake: Isn't that, overreacting?
Boris/Marco: This is insane.
::Yoda whacks Boris/Marco over the head with an oragami wheat thin::
Yoda: Try to use the force to open the door I will.
::Suddenly, a loud, overlying hum resonates through the walls, as Dr. Evil and SJS come flying through the side wall, and through the door or room 42, crushing Richard Simmons::
Everyone: WAHOO! YAE!!! WOOHOOO!
Believer: Thank you! Ah, no more aerobics!
Jahar9: I think that guy shaves his legs.
Pinkie: He was way too shiny.
Sidney: Want to do that ever again I do not.
Yoda: Brave you all were.
Pigeon: Who would've known they'd stick us in the same room as Richard Simmons.
Believer&Jahar: It must be a conspiracy.
::the rescued Weirdos and their rescuers run outside, board the Spice Bus, and ride back to the Weirdo arena where they find not only a rather large mess, but the Power Rangers ready for a rematch with the cast of Ani-Tv::
Jahar9: Ahhh ::takes a deep breath:: nothing like the smell of freshly stale Weirdo Arenas.
Sidney: Got that right you do.
::Everyone begins to resituate themselves in the Weirdo Arena, when suddenly......the Ghostbusters break down the door!::
Jahar9: I ain't afraid of no ghosts!
Bill Murray: We got a call here about some ghosts that need busting? Anyone know where we can find one?
Sidney: ::grabs at her head:: Tipped you off who did??
Believer: Sidney, what are you talking about?
Pinkie: Yeah... Huh what?
PK: ::shrugs:: Darned if I know.
Pigeon: ::dances around, singing a very off-key Ghostbusters theme:: Who you gonna call? Flyswatters! Doo-do doo-do doo-do doo-do doodleoo!
Rick Moranis: Um... she isn't one too, is she?
Jahar9: Nope. There aren't any ghosts around here, officers. Move along, move along.
Dan Aykroyd: Your Jedi tricks will not work on us! We are the mighty... ::strikes a pose:: Ghostbusters!!!
Mattie: You'll never take me alive!! Er... dead, rather... ::flies out of Sidney's head and out of the WCDM arena::
Sidney: No! She's gone, she's gone! Oh, what a world!
Rick: Gee, Dan, don't you think we should let the ghost stay here? They seem to want to keep her.
Bill: Of course we can't! We're ::strikes a pose:: the Ginyu force! I mean, the Ghostbusters! So, we have to vacuum the ghosts up!
Dan: Right, it's our mission in life!
Sidney: ::growls, then pounces on Bill and Dan:: Teach you that will to take the ghosts out of MY head!
Jahar9: Yeah!
All the Weirdos: Yeah!
Everyone else in the Arena: Yeah!
Sidney: ::sticks her long armadillo tongue out at the Ghostbusters::
::Ghost the Super-Hero Wannabe pops in::
Ghost: I'm not a ghost, I'm not a ghost!
Rick: But you are dressed as one!
Jahar9: Monty Python? No! ::dives onto the linoleum:: No more Monty Python...
Sidney: Do what will we about Mattie?
Pinkie: Who's Mattie?
Believer: One of Sidney's many personalities. Don't worry about it.
::suddenly Dan turns his vacuum on the non-ghost Super Hero Wannabe whose name just happens to be Ghost::
Jahar9: Uh-oh...::Ghost is sucked up into the vacuum, which suddenly grows to the size of Ohio!::
Believer: Eh, it's not that big.
Jahar: You are Canadese!
Pinkie: Hey, so am I! I am a Canadese geese!
Ghost: It tell you, I'm not a host! I mean, I'm not a coast! I mean...I'm not a ghost!
PK: ::gasp:: She's a Yeerk! A Yeerk who has a host that is a ghost that lives on the coast!
Sidney: A Yeerk she is not! Ghosts cannot be hosts.
Dan: Hey, Believer, you look familiar.
Believer: Who? Hehehe...me? Naw, you must be mistaken.
::Believer runs and hides in Sidney's 23 sticks of butter::
Pinkie: What's up with her?
Jahar: Beats me.
Pigeon: Okay! ::Beats Jahar over the head with a butter-covered ferret::
Jahar: Hey!
Ghost: Um...can someone get me outta here? Hey, wait! I'm a super-heroe wannabe! I can get out of here myself!
::Ghost pushes and pulls at the vacuum the size of Ohio, and finally manages to stick a toenail through. Then, the Ghostbusters turn the vacuum on super-duper-extra-high power and Ghost is sucked down, down, past all the plot holes, past Pigeon's nest, past everything, into...Akron, Ohio! Where all interdimensional vortexes, Swiffer products, plot holes, worm holes, documents lost by Microsoft Word Pad (a.k.a. the last two times this author has tried to finish this addition), dryer vents, miscellanious holes in the ground, and cold air returns lead to. Why? Because no one will find them there! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!::
Jahar9: Hmm ::Jahar listens silently as the author continues to ramble mindlessly, spewing drivel everywhere, half of it landing on Pigeon, who happily makes a new nest of it, since the last 4 dozen have been burnt, squished, smashed, sat on my giant slurpies that obviously have butts, munched by mad cows and other fowls and beast, and fowl beasts, and beats, the Beatles, the Beetles, the IRS....etc. etc. Hey! It's not my fault I'm having a not-good day. I mean...well. You know what I mean? Don't you? Argh! Why me? Why not Mario? Or Hal? Han! Even GULLABALOO!::
::Gullabaloo appears in front of Jahar, and she begins screaming hysterically until Gullabaloo disintigrates into acid, which eats through the floor or the commentator's stand, and then the floor beneath, through the basement, and all the way to China::
Sidney: Author having a bad day again? ::the author causes a super-heated radish to fly down through one of the many holes in the WCDM arena's roof, and right through Pigeon's tailfeathers::
Pigeon: Drat! Dart! Now I have to acorn-warsh all ova again!
Jahar: Acorn?
Believer: Acom?
Sidney: A.com?
Believer: Come, aye?
Jahar9: Ron says ack!
Sidney: Huh? Akron?
Sidney: 42 is the answer to everything.
Believer: What have we figured out?
Jahar9: That Ghost is in an acorn in Akron so ACK! We'd better RUN to A.com, aye? Coming?
Believer: Uhhmm, OK. CHEESE!
::Pigeon suddenly begins singing "The song that Doezn't end" Yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started sining it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started sining it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started sining it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started sining it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started sining it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started sining it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend....
until Yoda whacks the author and Pigeon over the head with a grapefruit the size of Mulder's head that was on the Jerry Springer show last Tuesday, and then re-run on Thursday while a the Harlem Boys Choir sang "The song that Doezn't end" Yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started sining it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started sining it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started sining it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people, started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doezn't end, yes it goez on and on my friend....::
::Mr. Kostanza from Seinfield makes a brief cameo appearance::
Mr. Kostanza: SERENITY NOW!
::Mr. Kostanza disappears, and the singing stops::
Jahar9, Sidney, Yoda, Believer, Pinkie, PK, and even Ghost: Ahhhhh.
::Langly and Frohike stare at Pigeon::
Frohike: What drugs do they have her on?
Langly: I want some.
Sidney: Crack Kills.
Pigeon: That's my line!
::Pigeon pulls an octopus out of her plot hole and threatens Sidney with it::
Believer: Is it me, or has this match really lost it? I mean, wasn't there a fight somewhere in this?
Jahar9: That's right! The Power Rangers are back for the re-match. Let's get it on!
Sidney: Umm, forgetting something are we??
Believer: Oh, you're right, Ghost is still in an acorn in Akron.
::the Ghostbusters suddenly disappear into their own vacuum::
Sidney: AH HA! GOT IT I DO! GO through the vacuum we should!
::everyone, including the audience, the cast of Ani-TV, the MMPTs, and all the former par-tayers, jumps into the vacuum, get sucked through vortexes, and miss their target, ending up in the Alternant Armadillo Bar and Bistro.......
Jahar9: Hey, where are we?
Sidney: The Alternate Armadillo Bar and Bistro we are at! Yay!
Believer: Bar? Aren't we underage to be here?
Sidney: Nah, a family-friendly atmosphere the AA has.
Pigeon: But we're not related...
*Yoda whacks Pigeon on the head with a gigantic Oreo O.*
Sidney: Wondering I am where Guillome is.
Pinkie: Who's Guillaume?
Sidney: Not Guillaume, Guillome.
Jahar9: *to Believer* Does the spelling really matter?
Believer: *to Jahar* Guess so.
*Just then, a very short man with big green eyes, curly strawberry-blonde hair, and a cute little brown-furred monkey on his shoulder walks in and almost faints from the amount of people in his bar. When he regains his composure enough to speak, it's with a ridiculously cute French accent.*
Guillome: Mon Dieu! *to the monkey* Noceur, look at all ze people!
Noceur: *Blows a rasberry at everyone who just popped in and scampers to Guillome's other shoulder.*
Guillome: Noceur, yeu silly leetle minkey, be-have! Zese are guests!
Sidney: Guy, looking we are for the acorn of Akron to get Ghost out of the vacuum... think I do... uh...
Jahar9: Don't mind her, she's had too much chicken soup.
Sidney: Impossible that is!
Pigeon: The monkey's cute. He looks really smart, I'm gonna vote for him for president!
PK: Didn't you hear him??? It's not a monkey, it's a minkey!
Pinkie: And I'm a Pinkie!
Believer: I thought you were a Gnarly Little Hammer Toe.
Sidney: Matters it doez not, vote we cannot yet anyway. Vote I cannot, and the oldest I am!
*Sidney jumps over the hill and Jahar promptly crowns her "Queen Armadillo"*
Sidney: *shakes her head* Going crazy we are... Ghost we must find quickly before her acorn gets planted and grows into a tree!
Guillome: Euh... pairhaps I could bee of zome help, non?
Pigeon: Non-linear! Bi-polar! Wait a minute... where's a bee? *Takes the octopus back out of her plot hole and threatens the imaginary bee with it, but Guillome takes the octopus from Pigeon and cooks it for Sidney.*
Jahar, Believer, PK, Pigeon, Pinkie who is now Gnarly Little Hammer Toe, most human members of the audience, people with prosthetic limbs, Pringle fanatics, HAL the computer from "2001: A Space Odyssey", Langly, Frohike, Mulder, Scully, the rest of the former par-tayers, and SJS: EWW!!!
Yoda and Sidney: Yummmmmmmmm! *Sidney puts the cooked octopus in a little orange plastic baggie and saves it for later so all of the afore-mentioned EWWers don't have to rush to the bathroom, holding their hands over their mouths and turning green.*
Jahar9: *sarcastically* Thanks so much, O Wise and Wonderful Armadillo.
Sidney: *brightly* Welcome you are!
*After they say good-bye to Guillome Ivrogne and his pet minkey Noceur, all those ppl I don't feel like listing jump into the vacuum and...
This round is yet incomplete. I'm sorry, really I kinda am. You can see the rest in a slightly different, straight-from-the-official-Weirdo board style here. Thank you, come again.